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Green Travel Guide to the Llŷn

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Words by Paul Miles. Film produced by Green Traveller.
Artwork for Green Traveller's Guides by Tina Smith and Mark Edwards.

Forword by Elin Wyn Hughes, Project Officer for the Llŷn Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

The Llŷn AONB, situated in the north west Wales, is a uniquely beautiful part of the country. 90 miles of rugged coastline, sweeping hillsides, patchwork fields, islands teeming with fascinating wildlife and an unrivalled wealth of Welsh culture and history - all this just waiting on our doorstep!

Here on the peninsula we work closely with local businesses and communities not only to help protect the landscape, but also the Welsh history and culture that makes the Llŷn AONB such a special place to visit. Working to manage the AONB takes in all aspects of life on Llŷn, ranging from wildlife conservation, tourism, heritage and planning permission.

Wherever you travel in the peninsula, you'll come across places to stay, restaurants and activity providers that are keen to help you any way they can to make the most of your time in the AONB, whether that's by providing the freshest local breakfast or suggesting a really great wildlife watching opportunity.

This Green Traveller Guide will help you make the most of your holiday to Llŷn so that you can experience some of the most peaceful and remote walking, riding and cycling in the country. Explore Bardsey Island, which is steeped in culture and history; spend your time wandering the golden sands of the peninsula's many beautiful beaches; or simply indulge in some of the freshest local produce you're likely to find for miles around. Make your holiday to Llŷn one to remember!

Gair gan Uned AHNE Llŷn

Mae AHNE Llŷn, sydd wedi’i lleoli yng ngogledd orllewin Cymru, yn rhan hardd ac unigryw o’r wlad.  Mae 90 milltir o arfordir garw, bryniau ysgubol, caeau fel clytwaith, ynysoedd yn ferw o fywyd gwyllt rhyfeddol a chyfoeth heb ei ail o ddiwylliant a hanes Cymru  - oll wrth garreg ein drws! 

Yma ar y penrhyn, rydym yn gweithio’n agos gyda busnesau a chymunedau lleol, nid yn unig i warchod y tirlun, ond hefyd yr hanes a’r diwylliant sy’n gwneud AHNE Llŷn yn lle mor arbennig i ymweld â hi.  Mae’r gwaith o reoli’r AHNE yn cyffwrdd â phob agwedd o fywyd yn Llŷn, yn amrywio o gadwraeth bywyd gwyllt, twristiaeth a threftadaeth i ganiatad cynllunio. 

Lle bynnag y byddwch yn teithio ar y penrhyn, byddwch yn taro ar lefydd i aros, bwytai a darparwyr gweithgareddau sy’n awyddus i’ch cynorthwyo ymhob ffordd y gallant i wneud y gorau o’ch amser yn yr AHNE – boed wrth ddarparu’r brecwast mwyaf ffres neu wrth awgrymu’r llefydd gorau i wylio bywyd gwyllt.  

Bydd yr arweiniad hwn gan Green Traveller yn eich cynorthwyo i wneud yn fawr o’ch gwyliau yn Llŷn fel y gallwch gerdded, farchogaeth a beicio yn hamddenol yn y wlad.  Gallwch ymweld ag Ynys Enlli sy’n llawn diwylliant a hanes; gallwch grwydro’r tywod euraid ar rai o draethau harddaf yr ardal; neu fe allwch fwynhau’r cynnyrch mwyaf ffres a lleol posib.  Gwnewch eich gwyliau yn Llŷn yn un i’w gofio! 

Elin Wyn Hughes
Swyddog Prosiectau, AHNE Llŷn

What our writers discovered in Llŷn AONB

The Llŷn peninsula in North West Wales is a gem of a place. Among the 91 miles of coastline, diverse marine habitats, high hills and islands, there are many examples of rare wildlife species, such as choughs, puffins and dolphins, a holy island, the best preserved Iron Age hill fort in Britain, pretty former fishing villages and stone farmhouses. Find elegant Georgian manor houses, cosy cottages and the best restaurants and pubs serving delicious, locally sourced food.

Stay, Eat, See & Do

Our pick of places across the Llŷn Pensinula

Google Map Key:
Click on the coloured icons for more information about each listing
Green = Places to stay; Blue = Places to eat; Yellow = Attractions; Purple = Activities

Click on the square brackets top right of map to reveal expanded map

  • Llŷn is one of only 5 designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Wales

  • The AONB covers an area of some 155km2 on the Peninsula

  • The bird pictured in the AONB's logo is a Chough, many of which nest along the peninsula's coastline

  • Of the 6,500 people living in the AONB, some 70% are Welsh speaking

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